ESSER III Funds:                       Updated 3/20/2023                                   

·      SEA Summer Enrichment (salaries & benefits) $9,662

·      SEA Afterschool Program (salaries & benefits) $9,662

·      Learning Loss—new ELA Curriculum K-5th grade $100,000

·      SEA Learning Loss stipends to staff (with benefits) $38,795

·      Tent rentals for social distancing outside $5,000

·      Cleaning and sanitizing supplies and PPE $7,000

·      Water filling stations $6,762

·      Vape detectors to support social-emotional issues $5,850

·      Renovations for social distancing $289,883



1.     Summer Enrichment was provided during the summer of 2022.

2.     Afterschool tutoring was provided during the 2021-22 school year and continued in 2022-23 to recapture learning loss from Covid.

3.     A new curriculum has been purchased, and rigorous training has been provided to help students regain learning and be on grade level in ELA.

4.     Renovations were needed to maximize space for social distancing, provide outdoor spaces, and take advantage of fresh air, along with making needed repairs.

5.     Tents allowed for teaching outdoors and taking mask breaks.

6.     Many cleaning and PPE supplies were purchased to keep everyone healthy.

7.     Water bottle fillers were installed to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses.

8.     Vape detectors were installed for better air quality and to address social-emotional needs that students may have been impacted by COVID-19.

9.     Learning Loss stipends were given to all staff members for all the extra time spent dealing with COVID, remote learning, quarantining, cleaning, covering positions            when so many staff were absent due to Covid or close contact, etc.

10.  We are following the protocols of CDC and ISBE for prevention and mitigation strategies.



These expenditures were developed from input from staff, community members, stakeholders, parents, students, administration, and school board members.  The focus was to fill in the learning gaps, keep the school open and learning in-person, address social-emotional issues, and provide inclusion/equity/diversity to ALL, along with experiencing a tremendous increase in workload and absences for staff.